Hi! I’m Christy.

I believe that the key to getting - and staying - organized is to be realistic about how you live today and how you and your family use your spaces. I’ll work with you to design organizational systems that seamlessly blend into the rhythms of your life so that they’re effortless to use and make your life easier, not harder.

I’ve spent years tinkering with spaces in my own home - implementing systems and tweaking them. Once using them becomes second nature to my family, I know I’ve hit the jackpot…and then I start looking for the next space to tackle.

I’m on a mission to help you find those perfect systems that allow your household run smoothly. Let’s work together to clear the clutter and eliminate frustration from your daily routines!

My professional organizing business is located in Great Falls, Virginia, where I live with my husband and teenage son who are thrilled when I organize for others because it keeps me from moving things around in our house.